Goats & Cheeses

Josh Pond is home to a herd of beautiful and spirited Oberhasli goats. Our goats live a blessed life: sleeping in a timber-framed barn, eating organic grain and hay, and having acres of lush pastures to spend their days. Every goat has a name, a unique personality, and the Josh Pond herdsmen know each one of them dearly. Our mission is to care for our goats with an organic and holistic approach, keeping their individual health, safety, and livelihood at the forefront of our husbandry practices.

It began in 2014, when a couple of Oberhasli goats came to live at Josh Pond, and today (2023) we care for 25 milking does, and are raising 10 young does that will join our milking herd in the next few years. We became Maine's 4th certified-organic goat herd in 2018, providing Josh Pond's cheesemaker with organic goat milk to transform into our aged cheeses.

The cheeses of Josh Pond are handmade in small batches in the tradition of artisan farmstead cheesemaking. During the summer months, we create a variety of cheese with our organic goat's milk. These seasonal cheeses breathe of the diverse pasture our goats graze on, reflecting our Down East home. During the winter, we let our goats rest, and we make a variety of aged cheeses with the certified organic cow milk from our neighbors at Tide Mill Farm. 

Josh Pond is a member of the American Cheese Society and the Maine Cheese Guild.